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Title: Arithmetic 3 Work-text
Subject: Arithmetic Course Number: 50430
Suggested Grade Level: 3rd
Author: Judy Howe  Number of Pages: 328
Publisher: A Beka Book Publishers Academic Credit: None
Copyright: 2006 (5th edition) Elective Fee: None
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: Workbook, Teacher Edition, Tests and Speed Drills book (includes A Beka test forms), Teacher Key for Tests and Speed Drills, and 10 tests*
   * Item published by Christian Liberty Press
Course Description: This course assumes that the student has mastered facts regarding addition and subtraction, including carrying and borrowing, as well as place value. Multiplication and division families are extended through twelve. Concepts of Roman numerals to 1000, telling time, measurement of length and temperature are reviewed. Also taught are measurement conversions, solving story problems up to four steps, solving simple algebraic equations, working with inequality concepts and symbols, calculating averages, solving problems with parentheses, geometric shapes, mathematical terminology, multiplication of two- and three-digit numbers with carrying, and division involving one- and two-digit divisors. Various operations with fractions are also studied in greater breadth.