High School Choice
Personal Enrichment • Computer

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Title: Business Computer Information Systems
Subject: Computer Course Number: 93700
Suggested Grade Level: 8th–12th
Author: Alan Christopherson Number of Pages: 564*
Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications Academic Credit: 1.0†
Copyright: 2010 Course Charge: $65.00
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: 10 Lifepac workbooks, teacher’s guide, and
1 Multimedia CD; each workbook contains 1 test
   * Sum total of all ten Lifepacs. Each booklet averages about 56 pages.
   † If assigned prior to ninth grade, credit may be awarded (upon request) once the student is enrolled in high school.
Course Description: This course explores the software applications and information technologies that most people are likely to use in business situations. Students will learn computer terminology, hardware, software, and operating and information systems that relate to the business environment.

Students will focus on learning the standard applications of word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and graphical presentation packages. Skills in personal and interpersonal communications, as well as communication technologies, will also be studied.