High School Choice
Foreign Language • Latin

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Title: Latin in the Christian Trivium, Volume 1
Subject: Latin 1 Course Number: 99380
Suggested Grade Level: 9th–12th
Authors: Gail Busby and Mary Harrington Number of Pages: 124
Publisher: XL Group Academic Credit: 1.0
Copyright: 1999 Course Charge: $65.00
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: Textbook, Study Sheets/Practice Tests, Teachers Guide, Instructors Resource CD, Tests*
   * Item published by Christian Liberty Press
Course Description: Students study both this classical language and the Roman influence on world language, history and religion. Students will master verb declensions, basic vocabulary, and classroom commands. They will also translate basic texts. Classes will compare and contrast Latin with modern English and study prefixes, suffixes and the roots of Latin in science, medicine, etc. Students will study Roman culture, contrasting and comparing it with Christianity.