High School Choice
Foreign Language • Spanish



Title: Living Language Spanish: Essential Edition
Subject: Spanish 1 Course Number: 93400
Suggested Grade Level: 7th–12th
Authors: Enrique Montes and 
Authors: Suzanne McQuade, eds.
Number of Pages: 272
Publisher: Random House, Inc. Academic Credit: 1.0*
Copyright: 2011 Course Charge: $30.00
Prerequisites: None
Course Materials: CD box set (includes coursebook, 3 audio CDs, and notebook) and 10 tests**
   * If assigned prior to ninth grade, credit may be awarded (upon request) once the student is enrolled in high school.
** Item publised by CLASS
Course Description: This is a beginning course in conversational Spanish, which uses a natural and systematic method of learning. The course is broken down into ten lessons with additional review exercises and dialogues. There are also free online materials available for further study.

At the conclusion of the course, students should display sufficient conversational command of the language for common practical life situations.