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High School Choice

High School Choice is designed to give you the flexibility to take courses throughout high school that cater to your interests and potential career goals. While you may choose all of your courses, you are not required to do so. If you are unsure about which course to pick in a particular grade level or area of study, allow Christian Liberty to select it for you. Our experienced staff will make sure you are assigned all subjects necessary to earn a diploma.

Students must have a minimum of twenty (20) credits in key subject areas in order to graduate through CLH. Use the following table to ensure you are meeting our graduation requirements as you make your selections.

   Theological Studies*   4.0 credits
   English   4.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of grammar and 0.5 credit research paper)
   Mathematics 2.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of Algebra or higher level algebra)
   Science   2.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of biology)
   Heritage Studies*   5.0 credits (including 1.0 credit of government and 1.0 credit of economics)
   Additional Courses   3.0 credits minimum (may select from any available courses)
   Art, Music, & Phys. Ed.   No academic credit awarded (subjects assigned each year; requirements set by family)

*  Students transferring into Christian Liberty Homeschools at tenth grade or higher may be eligible to waive some Theological Studies and/or Heritage Studies credits, as long as their credit total still meets the twenty credit minimum. For details, visit the CLH Website.

These pages show all of the available courses CLH offers under High School Choice. Information for each course includes academic credit and cost, description, and a listing of the materials used. Linked course names will take you to a "look inside" of the primary student text.

Start by selecting from any of the subject categories listed at the top of this page.