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Last Man Standing

Last Man Standing

Posted by Ed Straka on 09/25/2023

“…because the world is falling apart so fast that it will soon be starving.”[i]Life is interesting, especially as it is driven by the Provid
The Awesome Duty of Parents

The Awesome Duty of Parents

Posted by Calvin Lindstrom on 08/31/2023

I don’t like to use the word awesome casually. I like to use the word according to its meaning – something that inspires awe or fear. I do b
The Ancient Quest

The Ancient Quest

Posted by Ed Straka on 08/31/2023

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take
Dream Weavers

Dream Weavers

Posted by Ed Straka on 08/18/2023

Caught between the Scylla and Charybdis?For the average young person caught up with all the techno-world lingo on their phones, their preocc
American Education

American Education

Posted by Ed Straka on 07/24/2023

“Good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created.”― Roger ScrutonHistorically, education was built upon a foundation of the past wh