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Teaching Tip #9: May 2023

Teaching Tip #9: May 2023

Posted by Ed Straka on 05/03/2023

Teaching Tip # 9 – Get Organized!Get Organized! The golden rule of any endeavor is to get and stay organized!As a homeschooling mother, wife
Student Photo

Student Photo

Posted by Calvin Lindstrom on 05/03/2023

Texas bluebonnets - Photo by A. Cluck
Family Worship

Family Worship

Posted by Calvin Lindstrom on 05/03/2023

In 2016 I had the blessing of attending an excellent conference at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Dr. Shaw gave an encouragin
Time Preference & Human Action

Time Preference & Human Action

Posted by Ed Straka on 05/03/2023

When you look through the years and see what you could have been, oh what you might have been, if you would have more time…*Time is the most
Teaching Tip #8: April 2023

Teaching Tip #8: April 2023

Posted by Ed Straka on 03/31/2023

Break It Down – When students do not understand a concept during a lesson, break down the material into its parts to focus on the problemati